alt="Job Descriptions" vspace=10 align=right
src="" width=92 height=117>The
IT job descriptions
contained within the Internet and Information Technology Position
Descriptions HandiGuide® was updated in 2010 and contains over 650 pages; which
includes sample organization charts, a job progression matrix, over 231 job
descriptions, best practices for resume screening and best practices for phone

The author of this book has extensive experience in job content definition
and analysis. He personally is recognized by the courts as an “expert” and has
been used by a number of firms as an expert in age and job discrimination cases.
The HandiGuide includes some of the tools that he uses in that process.

alt="Order IT Job Descriptions" src=""
width=120 height=22> border=0 alt="Sample IT Job Description"
src="" width=181 height=22> alt="IT Job Descriptions" src=""
width=206 height=22>

The book also addresses Fair Labor Standards and the ADA, and is in a new
easier to read format.  Each job description meets ADA standards and the
position description is delivered in electronic format – word which is editable
and PDF which is printed.  Also included are tools to help you expand,
evaluate and define your enterprise’s unique additional required. Those tools

  • Job Evaluation Questionnaire

  • Position Description Questionnaire

  • Job Progression Matrix (Job Family Classifications)

  • Best Practices for

    • Screening Resumes

    • Phone Screening

    • Hiring employees

    • Motivating employees

  • Mandated Requirements

    • American with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    • Health and Safety Requirements (Federal and State)

    • Fair Labor Standards Act

    • Sexual Harassement

    • Other Labor Laws

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