alt="Security Manual - Sarbanes-Oxley" vspace=3 align=right
longDesc="Security Manual Template - Sarbanes-Oxley">The number of companies
that have remote workers or branch offices is constantly growing. This expansion
comes alongside greater use of the Internet for communication and collaboration.
Typical examples of branch office IT deployments are retailers, travel agents,
petrol stations or local sales offices.

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The IT requirements at each location can be basic, and IT management skills
at these branches often do not exist. However, the typical branch office
environment needs often the same functionality as the head office when it comes
to security – firewall, VPN, IPS, web and email security are all just as
important to remote workers as those at headquarters.

Support and security of such branch office environments can be a significant
challenge if not approached correctly. The primary challenges are deploying the
same level of security to all branch offices and implementing security policies
in an efficient way. The Security Manual Template addresses all of these

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