A significant percentage of employees are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with a
notable share of them missing routine bill payments, according to a recent
survey from CareerBuilder. Even a six-figure income may not be enough to stave
off bad times – a surprising number of those making more than $100,000 per year
are having trouble in meeting expenses.

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  • 42% employees live paycheck to paycheck

  • 46% of females live paycheck to paycheck

  • 38% of males live paycheck to paycheck

  • 14% of employees who make more than $100,000 live paycheck to

  • 6% of employees who make more than $100,000 say they cannot make ends

  • 21% of professionals are making ends meet by reducing 401K

  • 34% of employees do not participate in retirement savings plans

  • 20% of employees missed a bill payment this last year

  • 24% of females missed a bill payment this last year

  • 17% of males missed a bill payment this last year

Things that employees will not give up

  • Internet connection 56%

  • Driving 46%

  • Mobile Phone 42%

  • Cable TV 27%

  • Eating out 11%

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