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Do thoughts of Hadoop send you into a tizzy? Do petabytes of data make you wild?

If so, then we have just the thing for you. Accel Partners, the firm that will be scoring a touchdown this month with Facebook’s IPO, is holding a big data conference next week.

It’s a one day event at Stanford University on May 9 from 9 to 5 p.m. There will be discussions and fireside chats with entrepreneurs like Sun Microsystems and Arista Networks co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim, Hadoop founder Doug Cutting, Cloudera co-founder Jeff Hammerbacher and former Yahoo chief technology officer Raymie Stata.

Also speaking there are Aditya Agarwal, the crucial early Facebook director of engineering and the current vice president of engineering at Dropbox, Factual founder Gil Elbaz and Metamarkets chief executive officer Mike Driscoll. On top of that, there’s Amazon Web Services director Peter Cohen, Nimble Storage chief executive Suresh Vasudevan and Lookout co-founder Kevin Mahaffey.

There are more than 500 attendees so far.

If you’d like a ticket, please comment below and post the story to Facebook. Accel will pick 10 winners this way and they’re looking for entrepreneurs! Otherwise, reach out at to attend.

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